Principal trombone of the Vienna Philharmonic and professor of trombone at the Conservatorio della Svizzera Italiana in Lugano, he was principal trombone of the Rome Symphony Orchestra, the RAI National Symphony Orchestra and the Orchestra of the Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia. He began to love music as a child – with his grandfather, trombonist and music teacher: his first musical experiences were in the village band, supported by his father, an amateur trombonist, and by his uncle, trumpeter and teacher.
His main teachers were Massimiliano Costanzi at the G. Briccialdi Institude in Terni, Andrea Conti at the Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia and Joseph Alessi in New York. In addition to his permanent commitment to the orchestra and the conservatory, he continues his activity as a soloist and teacher of masterclasses at an international level. Enzo Turriziani has developed and plays a Getzen 4047ET Custom Reserve Trombone.
A short biography of the employee and why their background should inspire potential clients' confidence.
A short biography of the employee and why their background should inspire potential clients' confidence.
A short biography of the employee and why their background should inspire potential clients' confidence.
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